Senin, 26 November 2012

English Conversation

mau sedikit cerita-cerita lagi nih walaupun udah malem plus udah ngantuk berat -.- aku mau cerita tentang praktek EC untuk rabu kemarin, EC itu adalah salah satu pelajaran pokok juga di SMAN 8 TANGERANG loh.. kita di beri waktu max 5 dan min 10 kalimat untuk menceritakan pengalaman tak terlupakan kita. dari absen 1-18 (kira-kira) mendapat topik MY FAMILY dan absen 19-36 mendapat topik UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE karna aku absen 24 jadi aku mendapat topik unforgettable experience deh. di cerita itu aku menceritakan pengalaman ku saat study tour kelas x ke bandung ini text EC aku tapi masih banyak yang salah nih harap di maklumkan


when i was in grade ten, my school held a study tour to bandung. we left school at 7 am. in bandung, we visited the museum of geologi , kawah putih, and hot spring, but because our time is limited , our plan to the hot water bath was failed. when we arrived at museum geologi bandung . then we were there to see a kind of  collection of the museum .after we saw the collection in the museum we were continued our tour the kawah putih . when traveling there, we did not use the bus . the temperature was about 16 or 20 degress celsius . after visited kawah putih we back to tangerang but before that we were stoped in a shop to buy souvernirs. and finnaly we arrived in tangerang at 1 am . because we can't got a transportation for went home, we decided to stay overnight in Zulfa's boardinghouse

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